Make your free time, free again.
“Let’s break free from DIGITAL DISTRACTIONS
and replace it with FULFILLING FREE TIME in the real world.”
What if you would
waste less time
scrolling on TikTok...
bingewatching Netflix...
watching YouTube...
playing videogames...
consuming the news...
start your own project?
read more books?
talk to a stranger?
exercise more?
meet more with friends and family?
develop a new skill?
learn a new language?
your phone...
news apps...
Candy Crush...
some origami birds?
dreams for the future?
a creative project?
strong friendships?
a new skill?
a real story?
a chat with that stranger?
time for your family?
your personal notebook?
your inner adventurer?
Everyone can benefit from Free Time better spent.

The Curious Bird Project

"We bring together curious people who want to waste less time on digital distractions (Instagram, YouTube, Netflix...)
so that we can
- Live more in the real world
- Meet new people.
- And do the things focus we truly want."

The Vision
An Origami Bird on every screen

We envision a world in which everyone is in control of their screens
instead of being digitally distracted by them.
A world in which innovative technologies
remind us of what it means to be human
and help us unfold into the best human being we can be.

In the meantime, this curious bird will remind us
of living in the real world
and will serve as a symbol
for the curious future that we are building.
The Unplug & Unfold Challenge
A 28-day Curious Journey to Life Beyond Screens
During the 28-day “Unplug & Unfold”-challenge,
we bring together a group of courageous individuals during some in-person meet-ups.
Our goal is to
permanently change our relationship with our digital distractions
and unfold a fulfilling way of spending our free time

Let's do this
And find out when you can join a “Unplug & Unfold”-challenge
Ready To Un fold?
Subscribe to the FREE version of our newsletter to:
– Stay updated about our upcoming challenges
– Receive tips & tricks on how to waste less time on screens

Are you a fan of this project?
For every €50/year you pledge
one person who otherwise can’t afford the “Unplug & Unfold”-Challenge
can take on this challenge for free because of your support!

Hey! I'm Quinten
I’m the founder of The Curious Bird Project.
I’m looking forward to getting to know you better in Real Life!